
visit us

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campus near you


When you arrive, you’ll meet friendly people everywhere! We’ll help you get parked, greet you at the door, and offer you a free cup of coffee! New Life is a relaxed atmosphere where you can be yourself.


Sundays @ 9:30am + 11:00am + 12:30pm
15711 152nd Avenue SE Renton, WA 98058

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Sundays @ 8:00am + 9:30am + 11am
24808 180th Ave SE Covington, WA 98042

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normandy park

Sundays @ 9:30am + 11:00am
20107 1st Avenue S Normandy Park, WA 98198

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+ What will happen my first time?
+ Visit the NLChurch Office
+ What age groups are welcome to participate at New Life?
+ How can I reach out to ask more questions?